
That Penguin

I wanna be myself...
I am gonna be myself.
Until I die.
Favourite lifetime philosopher, Mahatma Gandhi.
"Be the change you want to see in the world"
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong"
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"
"Hate the sin, love the sinner"
“God has no religion”
“The law of love could be best understood and learned through little children”
Hence, Shall Me, Myself and I give and take in life :)

Name : WennieYuinx a.k.a Penguin.
Random: I am a little blur gal!
Age : 1992..
Birth : Pisces, February and a Monkey baby!..
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Travel around the world .
Being successful one day .
Scoring distinctions.
Happiness .
iPhone .
Brains .
Laptop .
Chocolates .
Blue .
11As for my SPM .
Ambition .
Love .
Friends .
Fun .
Genting trip .
Piano .
Camera .
Sleep .
Food .
Money .
Good Husband .
Good Career .
Big House .
Meaningful life .
Health .
Wisdom .
Script off moral subject .
Script off SPM! .
Driving license .
Just building castles in the air anyway :P


Linkies - Buddies

Tag Me To Be Link
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# CLD Programme
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# ** Karangan Efektif**


May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009

Remainder Of My Life

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once upon a time..looong looong ago...faaar faaar away... ^^
As the KMBS Children's camp faci!
Photobucket Photobucket
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Sis finally graduate!
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Mummy and I ^^
Daddy eating
Mannekan Pis
Daikache and I
Mom and dad :D
My DaiKaChe currently in Ireland
Eldest sis :D
Eye Of London
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Penguin and Penguin's sister! XP
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my happy family during my birthday 07'
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love you grandma!
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back at hometown!! muaxie!!
My genting gang! :)
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Percussioning :P
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Jey's open house
JiaXin and I
Burger King
Watching Eagles Eye
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Relatives! :)
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Assunta's Leo Club XP
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myself and aunty plucking rambutan!
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look at daddy's and mummy's CHEEKY smile! :P
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testing out games for the upcoming camp
jungle tracking gang
Rumah Kasih
MunSuet,Fion and US during LOC!
YanLeng and I
KMBS 4th Children's Camp
The Facilitators
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Ah Beng, Charmaine, Shen :)
AaronPOK! :P
My tag
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The Helpers during SJC
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Swepy, Sien, Charmane, SueZanne
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Vincent Oh My God!! haha
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SYC 07!
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D2YC 07 committee and participants + myself!! XD>br>

22 August 2008

Dropped an unspoken feeling ♥

The mystery of the showering divers

Have you ever wondered this before??The mystery of the showering divers...After completing a dive, competitors swim to a ladder, climb out of the pool and head immediately to a bank of showers..Then, in full view of the crowd and cameras, they SHOWER appearing only to wash their hair and arms..The divers will then receive their scores while still showering off. What's the purpose of this?

Theories have ranged from

'to get the chlorine off' ----> 'they want to have fun'

Neither are the reason..!

Divers shower in between each dive to keep their muscles warm after getting out of the pool. The temperature of the pool water and the air are usually different (the pool is usually around 80 degrees, with the air temperature between 68 and 72 degrees). This difference can cause muscle tightness. To combat this, divers warm up in either the showers or a hot tub.

Mystery : SOLVED!

(Although we're still a bit unclear as to why the showers are out in the open.The water cube cost over $200 million to build. They couldn't have put a privacy wall in?! Hahahaha)

Anyway, have you ever realized another thing? As you walk, your hands will swing..Your left hand swings as your right leg steps out and vice versa..Yeah, you can still walk by swinging both your hands and legs at the same direction..But try walking with your hand swinging and your leg walking at a different speed..

Example : Your legs run, but your hands sway very slowly..You can't right...? Your hands will somehow follow the speed of your legs or vice versa..

Well, I tried and experimented it on myself yesterday, and I find it difficult to keep both of my legs and hands walk and swing at a different speed XP

The naughty tricks our brain's trying to play ....

My World My Life

11:52 PM

20 August 2008

Dropped an unspoken feeling ♥

On 20/08/08, A surprise party was planned for this girl on my right! Last minute cannot-make-it-to-come kind of plan was used..And this girl here couldn't stop grumbling as the others broke their promises to turn up for the party..! Gosh, I have to act, pretend and listen to her grumbling to me from 8.30am until 12.15pm..! Upon our arrival at One Utama after taking the bus ride for 2 hours, we decided to take a picture while waiting for Amelia, Adeline and Carolyn..!
The girl who got pranked and I
As soon as this three fellows arrived, we walked around Toys R Us to keep the birthday girl distracted..Being childish all over again perhaps XP
Adeline, Carolyn and Amelia
And tada, finally revealed..*SURPRISE* in a Chili's restaurant for her..
Organizers of the event...Mabel Chong
Amelia Chan


Blurred image of mabel and Piki wah wah (another Organizer)
and of course.......Myself :)
Amelia made her cupcakes..So she blew the candles there rather than having to blow it on a cake..Because it wasn't her actual birthday date..Hers was suppose to be on the 11th of August!

She was shocked, and she told me that she couldn't believe it..*we're just good actresses..muahaha* At that very moment, she thought she was dreaming.....*slaps* You're awake my dear and it is for real just for you!
She couldn't stop smiling....

And there she is..trying to open the card we gave her


Then, its time to eat!!!

The food I ordered #1

The food I ordered #2

What??? Think I such a fatty isit?? Of course not, I share both plates with this two buddies here :D

The drink I ordered..And I remember re-filling it many times..More than 6 times????

And....here we go..The cheeky part of us trying to fool around with Amelia's drink when she's away..She was smart enough not to drink it though...Mission FAILED!

When we asked for the bill..............................OMG...RM181.20!

There goes our money!

Before I left the restaurant, I still couldn't understand this sentence, unfortunately...Anyone??
Finally, the day we had fun together ended..wait wait....ALMOST ended..*snaps* another memory taken :D
Well people, I must say this, You must not miss out this hilarious movie, MEET DAVE! It's awesome..I couldn't stop laughing!!! XP


Another date yet to remember other than 08.08.08


So many memorial dates this year... :D

My World My Life

11:28 PM

Dropped an unspoken feeling ♥

Science and God

'Let me explain the problem science has with Jesus Christ.' The atheist professor of philosophy pauses before his class and then asks one of his new students to stand.

'You're a Christian, aren't you, son?'

'Yes sir,' the student says.

'So you believe in God?'


'Is God good?'

'Sure! God's good.'

'Is God all-powerful? Can God do anything?'


'Are you good or evil?'

'The Bible says I'm evil.'

The professor grins knowingly. 'Aha! The Bible!' He considers for a moment.

'Here's one for you. Let's say there's a sick person over here and you can cure him. You can do it. Would you help him? Would you try?'

'Yes sir, I would.'

'So you're good...!'
'I wouldn't say that.'

'But why not say that? You'd help a sick and maimed person if you could. Most of us would if we could. But God doesn't.'

The student does not answer, so the professor continues. 'He doesn't, does he? My brother was a Christian who died of cancer, even though he prayed to Jesus to heal him. How is this Jesus good? Hmmm? Can you answer that one?'

The student remains silent.

'No, you can't, can you?' the professor says. He takes a sip of water from a glass on his desk to give the student time to relax.

'Let's start again, young fella Is God good?'

'Er...yes,' the student says.

'Is Satan good?'

The student doesn't hesitate on this one. 'No..'

'Then where does Satan come from?'

The student: 'From...God...'

'That's right. God made Satan, didn't he? Tell me, son. Is there evil in this world?'

'Yes, sir.'

'Evil's everywhere, isn't it? And God did make everything, correct?'


'So who created evil?' The professor continued, 'If God created everything, then God created evil, since evil exists, and according to the principle that our works define who we are, then God is evil.'

Without allowing the student to answer, the professor continues: 'Is there sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All these terrible things, do they exist in this world?'

The student: 'Yes.'

'So who created them?'

The student does not answer again, so the professor repeats his question. 'Who created them? There is still no answer. Suddenly the lecturer breaks away to pace in front of the classroom. The class is mesmerized.

'Tell me,' he continues onto another student. 'Do you believe in Jesus Christ, son?'

The student's voice is confident: 'Yes, professor, I do.'

The old man stops pacing. 'Science says you have five senses you use to identify and observe the world around you. Have you ever seen Jesus?'

'No sir. I've never seen Him'

'Then tell us if you've ever heard your Jesus?'

'No, sir, I have not.'

'Have you ever actually felt your Jesus, tasted your Jesus or smelt your Jesus? Have you ever had any sensory perception of Jesus Christ, or God for that matter?'

'No, sir, I'm afraid I haven't.'

'Yet you still believe in him?'


'According to the rules of empirical, testable, demonstrable protocol, science says your God doesn't exist. What do you say to that, son?'

'Nothing,' the student replies. 'I only have my faith.'

'Yes, faith,' the professor repeats. 'And that is the problem science has with God. There is no evidence, only faith.'

The student stands quietly for a moment, before asking a question of his own. 'Professor, is there such thing as heat?'

'Yes,' the professor replies. 'There's heat.'

'And is there such a thing as cold?'

'Yes, son, there's cold too..'

'No sir, there isn't.'

The professor turns to face the student, obviously interested. The room suddenly becomes very quiet. The student begins to explain.

'You can have lots of heat, even more heat, super-heat, mega-heat, unlimited heat, white heat, a little heat or no heat, but we don't have anything called 'cold'. We can hit up to 458 degrees below zero, which is no heat, but we can't go any further after that. There is no such thing as cold; otherwise we would be able to go colder than the lowest -458 degrees. Every body or object is susceptible to study when it has or transmits energy, and heat is what makes a body or matter have or transmit energy. Absolute zero (-458 F) is the total absence of heat. You see, sir, cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We cannot measure cold. Heat we can measure in thermal units because heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just the absence of it.'

Silence across the room. A pen drops somewhere in the classroom, sounding like a hammer.

'What about darkness, professor. Is there such a thing as darkness?'

'Yes,' the professor replies without hesitation. 'What is night if it isn't darkness?'

'You're wrong again, sir. Darkness is not something; it is the absence of something. You can have low light, normal light, bright light, flashing light, but if you have no light constantly you have Nothing and it's called darkness, isn't it? That's the meaning we use to define the word. In reality, darkness isn't. If it were, you would be able to make darkness darker, wouldn't you?'

The professor begins to smile at the student in front of him. This will be a good semester. 'So what point are you making, young man?'

'Yes, professor. My point is, your philosophical premise is flawed to start with, and so your conclusion must also be flawed.'

The professor's face cannot hide his surprise this time. 'Flawed? Can you explain how?'

'You are working on the premise of duality,' the student explains. 'You argue that there is life and then there's death; a good God and a bad God. You are viewing the concept of God as something finite, something we can measure. Sir, science can't even explain a thought. It uses electricity and magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one. To view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a substantive thing. Death is not the opposite of life, just the absence of it.'

'Now tell me, professor. Do you teach your students that they evolved from a monkey?'

'If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process, young man, yes, of course I do'

'Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes, sir?'

The professor begins to shake his head, still smiling, as he realizes where the argument is going. A very good semester, indeed.

'Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at work and cannot even prove that this process is an on-going endeavor, are you not teaching your opinion, sir? Are you now not a scientist, but a preacher?'

The class is in uproar. The student remains silent until the Commotion has subsided.

'To continue the point you were making earlier to the other student, let me give you an example of what I mean.'

The student looks around the room. 'Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the professor's brain?' The class breaks out into laughter.

'Is there anyone here who has ever heard the professor's brain, felt the professor's brain, touched or smelled the professor's brain? No one appears to have done so. So, according to the established rules of empirical, stable, demonstrable protocol, science says that you have no brain, with all due respect, sir. So if science says you have no brain,
how can we trust your lectures, sir?'

Now the room is silent. The professor just stares at the student, his face unreadable.

Finally, after what seems an eternity, the old man answers. 'I guess you'll have to take them on faith.'

'Now, you accept that there is faith, and, in fact, faith exists with life,' the student continues. 'Now, sir, is there such a thing as evil?'

Now uncertain, the professor responds, 'Of course, there is. We see it everyday. It is in the daily example of man's inhumanity to man. It is in the multitude of crime and violence everywhere in the world. These manifestations are nothing else but evil.'

To this the student replied, 'Evil does not exist sir, or at least it does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God.
It is just like darkness and cold, a word that man has created to describe the absence of God.

God did not create evil. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat or the darkness that comes when there is no light.'

The professor sat down. The young man's name ....... Albert Einstein.

My World My Life

10:16 PM

18 August 2008

Dropped an unspoken feeling ♥


The moments where we packed everything up..Had our dinner early, took a chair and switched the tv on!! As the clock ticked, we waited for Chong Wei, Our Malaysian Hero to show his power..! To a disappointment, he lost to that stewpid yet terror Lin Dan from China..

But I proud of LEE CHONG WEI, My number one hero! So determined to catch and hit an impossible hit from LinDan..Still managed to get the ball over the net - I was amazed by his determination..Finally, someone broke Malaysia's record for gaining a silver medal..Mensiasuikan la...Never get gold medal before man..sighhhh! If only this year is the year or joy and pride..Unfortunately, it isn't.. Gotta wait for another 4 years perhaps...!

Lemme further elaborate about Badminton players since I am so obsessed with it lately..Not only LATELY, but ever since I was mature enough to understand the rule of playing a badminton match..haha

About our JAGUH NEGARA 1st of course....

NAME: Lee Chong Wei
DATE OF BIRTH: 21/10/1982 (Same date as me..muahahaha....but diff month..sob)
PLAYS: Men's Singles
Height: 1.74 m
Handedness: Right
Place of Birth: Penang, Malaysia

Then, our Men Doubles..Tan Boon Heong and Koo Kien Kiet :D
(nice nice)

The Most Handsome Badminton Player...awhhh..BAO CHUN LAI from China!

Date of birth: 17th February, 1983 (Four days before my birthday..My God! haha)
Age: 25
Place of birth: Changsha, Hunan Province
Height: 1.90 m
Weight: 78 kg

The 33 year old woman from China that I am very proud about too..Once dreamt that I can be as good as her....But that's only IN MY DREAMS! :P

Name: Zhang Ning
Gender: F
Height: 1.75m
Weight: 64 kg
Date of birth: May 19, 1975
Place of birth: Shenyang, Liaoning Province
Education: Junior college
Hobbies: Drawing, reading and travel


Chong Tan Fook (Mas) Zhang JieWen (Chn)

Chong Tan Fook will leave national team after Beijing Olympic, same goes to China’s world champion doubles shuttler Zhang JieWen! According to Chong Tan Fook, they’ve been together for quite some time..Or maybe not..They’ve been together for FOUR YEARS in their long distance relationship..And yet, still remain strong together by keeping in touch through calls and online chatting..

My hero - Lee Chong Wei and Wong Mew Choo..Nothing much about them though..But awh..so sweet..Malaysia's number one player in singles for both man and woman TOGETHER!

XieXingFang (world ranking number TWO) and LinDan (World ranking number ONE) from China..Chun-ted..

BaoChunLai and his ex...hmmm....

Enough of me scandalizing....

These are the pictures of them practising hard..Not easy to be on screen playing for our country man...!


Still proud and obsessed with badminton as usual XP

My World My Life

11:52 PM

15 August 2008

Dropped an unspoken feeling ♥


1. Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
2. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.

1. I laugh out of sudden

2. I bath with my radio on

3. I scratch people when I am confused or stressed (sorry sokyeng - my number one victim! lol)

4. I must have a toilet roll in my room

5. I scold people while smiling at times..weird..

6. I feel guilty after doing wrong things

7. Hate procrastinating but it still happened XP

8. I smell my pillow before I go to bed

9. I love looking at babies and kids

10. I want to be smart but I don't like studying....LOL!!

11. I am not attracted to hot but cool guys.. @.@ Make sense? haha

12. I love comedies and romance..Just fantasies though..life's tough!

13. I like physics >.<

14. Cannot stand looking at smokers..SO NOT COOL when they smoke..

15. I cannot breathe when people smoke around me

I taggie...
-Rebecca- for tagging me.. :P
-RockindevilJey- since she's my bestie]
-VegeTay- for being my sister..
-Bobby- i doubt he will do this though
-Yingzhi- for being cute..haha
-YanLeng- for being nice..
-KokSiang- for taking care of my sister..

Instructions: Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions..

1. At what age do you wish to marry?
Depends when my future husband will propose XP

2. What is your most favourite thing to do?
Annoy my classmates..hahaha

3. If you have a close close close friend since childhood who loves to take away whatever you like, including guys/girls, and he/she always wins, will you still consider him/her your friend?
If she's my close friend..it is defined as CLOSE but not TRUE friend..I will still consider her as a friend if she wins fairly but not betraying me by taking away my likes..

4. What would you give up in return to eat all you want in the world and not get fat ?
Nothing! hahaha..selfish me

5. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
for my dream to come true..it's enough XP

6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
Inflation la..what a question man..of course not...

7. What are you afraid to lose the most?
My loved ones..ABUDEN

8. What do you feel like doing, right now?
Fun x100

9. If there's someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
I will wait.. :D

10. Do you believe in fate ?

11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
In love, there's no requirements needed because afterall LOVE IS BLIND!

12. What is the thing that will make you think he/she is bad?
I agree with Rebecca..Flirt when they are taken, drink and gamble without reason..

13. What is your ambition?

14. Is anyone really perfect?
If someone is perfect, she/he could have been in the heaven :D

15. If you had a choice to be rich or happy, which one would you pick ?
Happy..No point being rich but unhappy..But at the same time, if not rich, how to be happy when everyday you gotta worry about money?? @.@

16. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
Laziness..Stupidity and blurness XP

17. Who is the person that you can share all your problems with?
Sister and A bestie of mine jeya!

18. How do you see yourself in 10 years time?
Never thought of it before..A paediatric marrying to a rich and handsome husband perhaps?? haha

19. If the Earth were to end one day, what would you do for the last 24 hours?
Tell my loved ones I love them to death!

20. Top favourite??
-babies and penguins-

I taggie
The person I tagged above minus REBECCA and plus ZILYNN into it XP

My World My Life

4:07 PM

12 August 2008

Dropped an unspoken feeling ♥

Spending Disease!

Had this major disease recently which is haunting me..I LOVE SPENDING NOWADAYS..and that's bad..

Well, ever since I was all alone a.k.a single, I love spending by making myself happy..Not spending on unecessary stuff but FOOD!
Then it became a disease whereby I began to haunt for unecessary stuff..Which is terrible!! I used to save lotsa money last time..But not now anymore..
Not only that, I was also traumatized by the incident happened last year when my house got ransacked..Yeah..! My angpau money and savings plus both of my handphones got stollen ..Ever since then, I do not save..!! Because I susah-payah save,but they all end up in the drain just like that..Feeding those buglars who stole my money..sighh! Anyhow, I want to get rid of this disease..BUT HOW???????

Putting those aside..Let me ask you two questions..

1. What is the most famous mee which is recently introduced in Malaysia?
Hint: It is so famous that politics love it...

2. What is the most famous pig which was introduced recently as well?
Hint: The tallest basketball player will be meeting it later..

1. Sodo Mee (Sodomy)
2. Olym Pig (Olympic)

Walao wei..Sweat case man..Questions originated by Bryan a.k.a lamo..not surprised..But it entertained me somehow..haha

You know, my est teacher has once said, jurnaling is healthy as you drop every little details you've gone through in life..Commemorating Memory is what I call!!

The very main reason why I started blogging..
To remember my past, live in the present, and to anticipate the future..
Life's full with loops..The Ups and downs that we've gone through... hmmmmm

My World My Life

11:06 PM

11 August 2008

Dropped an unspoken feeling ♥


This is what I do to keep myself distracted..!

not bad eh?? 93/100..Suddenly become so stupid in this spelling test..I tested on Bryan and he got 100/100..wth..not fair..Anyway, I still remember those days in primary school whereby we had spelling test every week during lessons..Cute! Unfortunately, Not anymore in high school..sigh...

OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Another silly thing I tested for my blog..It is strongly cautioned for kids under 13 ..Why is that so..Because according to the website, it says.........

This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:
dead (6x)
pain (2x)
ass (1x)

LMAO..No other better work to do lahh...

My World My Life

12:50 AM

09 August 2008

Dropped an unspoken feeling ♥

CAUTION!! A ranting post

feel like ranting for some reason..OVER-STRESSED about $$$

People loves money and I am getting sick of it..Due to the treasurer post in both prefectorial board and Leo club..I've been repeating this for quite some time..But I just cant relase my stress and tension..I can't get rid of this job as my fiscal year has just started..My job has now officially becoming my job in the year of 2008/2009..

I counted the money, and I have like RM40++ extra...Where did the money come from..? I HAVE NO IDEA...! I cannot simply assume that the money is mine because it is simply not right..But at the same time, where the hell did the money come from?? Whether it is from Leo or prefectorial board? OMG..I have so much of money to handle that I can explode anytime..Everyday worrying about money..Thinking if I would be robbed in school..Bringing those money with me by my side every single second including toilets!!!

Collect Rm6 for prefect camp
Prefect Subs
Leo Subs
Rm5 for Leo installation
Badges money
Funding project money
Dealing with receipts
Dealing with reports
Dealing with teachers
Dealing with accounts
Dealing with figures
Dealing with formats
Dealing with transactions...

OH MY GOD...I'm going crazy soon!

So much of having NO ASSISTANT to help me out in the LEO club to complete my reports..Being the blur and slow learner as I am, I was too afraid that I might do something wrong..Aihhh...I guess I have to really figure out where did the extra money come from -.-


My World My Life

12:00 AM

08 August 2008

Dropped an unspoken feeling ♥


(A Date To Remember)

It's OLYMPICS in China!!


(BeiBei,JingJing,HuanHuan,YingYing,NiNi-the name of the 5 dolls to represent this year's olympics)

Well, I am putting myself into an anticipating situation cuz I have faith in Malaysia's badminton players.. Hope they'll bring a little pride back to Malaysia..Or maybe not a little but A LOT! And of course, not to disappoint me! XP

Anyway, any idea


Once again, according to the dictionary, it gives all kinds of meaning..

1.a person who offers views or theories on profound questions in ethics, metaphysics, logic, and other related fields.
2.a person who is deeply versed in philosophy.
3.a person who establishes the central ideas of some movement, cult, etc.
4.a person who regulates his or her life, actions, judgments, utterances, etc., by the light of philosophy or reason.
5.a person who is rationally or sensibly calm, esp. under trying circumstances.

But my physics teacher a.k.a the philosopher of the day again rephrase what Philosopher actually means.....

It is actually a blind man who sees a black cat in a dark room..

That's the definition she gave for the word "philosopher"

Think again..What does that phrase actually means? A man, although he's blind, he could still see light guiding him through the bright way?? Giving him the right path to move on?? The right idea, judgements and actions?? Well, at least I think so :P

Moving on, as she was teaching, she explained a little terms about physics..

Don't think it is easy to sail a ship..It might just sink if we don't have enough Physics in our brain! First of all, ships can FLOAT in dead seas..What are dead seas..They are seas which are too salty that all living things can die if we were dipped in it..So, is salty water denser or fresh water denser? Fresh water of course..Imagine if we fill the ship tank till it is full since we're on the dead sea (it will float no matter what) because we only need a little water displacement to allow the boat to float..Although we might float on the dead sea, but NEVER EVER fill the tank till it is full to make the boat sink a little..Because once you're at the fresh sea, we will all drown due to the water displacement which is needed more at the fresh water to make the ship float..

Don't understand my concept??
Maybe to add on a little understanding in you people about physics concept, I'll share with all of you this simple basic formula..!

Buoyant force = weight of water displaced

We need to displace water to be able to get the buoyant force that allows us to float..Understand now?? If you still don't understand, go to your bathroom and start experimenting yourself by relaxing in your bathup..What happens when you stepped into the bathup?? Water comes out right? That's because water is displaced and hence, you feel as if you're floating a little..

In conclusion, if you fill the tank till it is full..Then you'll live in the dead sea and die in the fresh water..! A sentence which doesn't make any sense, but with the application of physics, it makes sense afterall :P

By the way, I've always been wondering, how do you people actually accept compliments?? By saying thank you or just keeping yourself quiet?

When I accept compliments, I usually say thank you..But people say I perasan pulak..They would say.......

Perasan-ted people's reaction says thank you
Egoistic people's reaction says nothing

So how to accept compliments?? @.@ Any idea????

My World My Life

6:30 PM

06 August 2008

Dropped an unspoken feeling ♥

How To Detect Lies
Watching facial expressions in order to determine whether a person is lying might just save you from being a victim of fraud, or it could help you figure out when somebody's being genuine. Jury analysts do this when assisting in jury selection. The police do this during an interrogation. You have to learn the little facial and body expressions that can help you distinguish a lie from the truth.


Observe how the person Smiles

Forced Smile

Forced smiles are easy to spot since they only involve the muscles around the mouth. The person will appear as being overly relaxed and not really happy. Look at the mouth and see if the teeth are showing. A real smile will reveal a bit of teeth but a forced smile may or may not.

True Smile
In a real Smile, more facial muscles besides the mouth are involved. A dead giveaway is tightening around the eyes, which sometimes causes crows' feet. While it is not difficult, very few people are conscious enough of this fact to fake a smile and still control their eyes in this manner.

Look out for the other body parts. Watch their hands, arms and legs, which tend to be limited, stiff, and self-directed when the person is lying. The hands may touch or scratch their face, nose or behind an ear, but are not likely to touch their chest or heart with an open hand.

Look out for microexpressions. Microexpressions are facial expressions that flash on a person's face for a fraction of a second and reveal the person's true emotion underneath their facade one. Some people may be naturally sensitive to them, but almost anybody can easily train to be able to detect microexpressions. Typically, in a person who is lying, their microexpression will exhibit the emotion of distress, characterized by the eyebrows being draw upwards towards the middle of the forehead (sometimes causing short lines to appear across the forehead skin).

Check for sweating. People tend to sweat more when they lie. (However, some people may sweat a lot more during nervousness/shyness.)

Mind exaggerated details. See if they are telling you too much, like "My mom is living in France, isn't it nice there? Don't you like the Eiffel tower? It's so clean there." Too many details may tip you off to their desperation to get you to believe them.

Notice the person's eye movements. Contrary to popular belief, a liar does not always avoid eye contact. Humans naturally break eye contact and look upwards when remembering something. Liars may deliberately make eye contact to seem more sincere. Liars also tend to blink more often. A typical right-handed person tends to look towards their left (your right) when remembering something that actually happened (remembered images, sounds and internal dialogue) and towards their right or downwards (constructed images, sounds and kinesthetic sensations) when they're making something up.

Be sensitive to the person's emotional expression.
Like timing and duration, which tends to be off when someone is lying. Emotions can be delayed, remain longer than usual, then stop suddenly. Likewise, they might not match appropriately with verbal statements. And, as with smiling, facial expressions of a poor liar will be limited to the mouth area.

Pay close attention to the person's reaction to your questions. A liar will often feel uncomfortable and turn their head or body away, or even subconsciously put an object between the two of you. Also, while an innocent person would go on the offensive, a guilty person will often go immediately on the defensive.

Be conscious of their usage of words. Verbal expression can give many clues as to whether a person is lying, such as:

-Using/repeating your own exact words when answering a question
-NOT using contractions
-Avoiding direct statements or answers
-Speaking excessively in an effort to convince
-Speaking in a monotonous tone
-Leaving out pronouns (he, she, it, etc.)
-Speaking in muddled sentences
-Equivocation or "Non-Answers". For example: Q:"Are these your drugs?" A:"I don't even smoke." Q:"Did you kill that man?" A:"I don't even own a gun." In essence, these subjects ARE answering TRUTHFULLY, however, the answers they are providing do not address the actual questions in any way.
-Using humor and sarcasm to avoid the subject

Allow silence to enter the conversation. Observe how uncomfortable and restless the person becomes when there is a pause.

Change the subject quickly. While an innocent person would be confused by the sudden shift in the conversation and may try to return to the previous subject, a liar will be relieved and welcome the change. You may see the person become more relaxed and less defensive.

Watch his or her throat. A person may constantly be either trying to lubricate their throat when he/she lies OR swallowing to avoid the tension built up.A person`s voice can also be a good lie detecter.Does your pal suddenly start talking faster or ultraslow? Does her/his tone go up and down,or is she or he clearing her throat a lot? Either your bud is coming down with a bad sore throat or she/he is lying.

The eyes tell all.It is usually hard for liars to look you in the eye while saying something they know is not true.Are your friend`s eyes focused on you or are they looking at the floor? Fibbers also blink a lot (subconsciously hiding their eyes ) or their gaze may dart around the room.

So I guess, after reading this, I assume that you shall not fall for any lies anymore?? XP


We always assume that we know, but actually we don't know enough to know causing us to fail in life or maybe exams to be simpler..

Physic's teacher a.k.a my philosopher for today gave that sentence which inspires me to post this up! So true that I've fallen in love with that sentence because it's obvious that people take knowledge for granted thinking that they ALREADY know it..!

It's better to be stupid and learn rather than being smart and ignorant..Agree??

Anyway, if by any chance you encounter into this kind of situation whereby you have to make the biggest decision in life by choosing something most important to you..Which one will you choose 1st? Your love, family, career or money..??

I have no idea which one to pursue as all four are equally essential and important for a person to survive..But if I am forced to choose one, maybe I would go for family, because I know what's family all about longer than I knowing what's love, money and career..

My World My Life

12:00 PM

04 August 2008

Dropped an unspoken feeling ♥


My daily routine is to go online and google some inspirational quotes to keep my spirit up high..As I browse through a website, I found this very one meaningful quote as stated above..

I had always been lacking of something lately in high school..Which is....CONFIDENCE! I always think I am not good enough..I am clumsy that I won't do my job well..

Eg: I began to realize that being a treasurer in THREE CLUBS ain't so easy as it seems..Lack of confidence can cause lotsa $$$ go missing as you'd be worry of every single detail..

Not only that, due to my failure in the 1st attempt of doing my oral well, I ended up screwing my oral by stopping in the middle of my talk as I was too nervous to continue..Besides that, I was facing with a major problem at the mean time..Causing my results to drop, causing my emotion to sway, causing me to have difficulties on focusing something..Which is plain awful! And I've found this quote, inspirational enough to keep me going through these obstacles..Thanks to it, I'd improved myself in my life..I became a stronger person by doing things better than the others..Or maybe, tried to be better than usual..Fortunate enough, my attempts of successing are higher than usual as well :)

So to the people outside, why give up on things when you haven't even try?? PERSISTING is important.. You may not know that you can actually do better than the others! Or you may not know that you actually have hidden talents that can create miracles to happen!

Something that unavoidably befalls a person is what I call FATE in life..
First of all, I want to ask a very simple question before I begin my post with the topic of FATE..DO YOU BELIEVE IN FATE?
There are numbers of astrologies to foresee our fate lately..For example, chinese astrology, indian astrology, Feng-Shui, numerology, gemology and so on...

Your own fate may be said to be determined by the time, date and place of your birth. We may say that in some ways it outlines the things to come.
When you were born into this incarnation you were given certain traits and it is up to you to decide what to do with these traits. It is believed you can change the outcome of your fate. But remember this will be done within the context of what you were born with.
Fate is something very mystery that nobody knows what could have happened to them in the future..It is just all FATED..
In love, people often say "leave it to the fate.."
But if you don't put effort into finding the fate, will the fate even come??
But at the same time, if you're putting very much effort into something which is not your fate, will it remain as your fate?? Or is it just a temporary fate??
I am not a philosopher or whatsoever, just a confused and curious girl regarding life :P
About "muah" as a daughter in TAY family..ngek ngek
Pisces Kids Astrology


The most compatible Mother for Pisces is Cancer / Taurus.
The most compatible Father for Pisces is Scorpio / Aries.
Pisces Kids - Sensitive Tots
These very sensitive children learn almost from birth to absorb others feelings and assume it is their own.The most intuitive sign of the zodiac. With so much emotions surging through them, they are often scared. They are so creative, they can create worlds that are safer than this one to live in. Fearful of many things, from monsters in the closet to loud noises these children need to learn to take risks.

Natural born counselors, Pisces will comfort anyone in the slightest bit of emotional or physical pain. Teach them to take care of themselves the way they help others. If they get to drained, they often retreat into fantasy worlds.

Music and the creative arts will allow the Pisces child to retreat into a more structured environment rather than living in a dream world. Check out the friends of these children. Many times because of their sensitive nature, they are taken advantage of by the stronger types.

Teach these children about practical matters, such as chores and finishing what they start. They need to learn grounding, otherwise the temptation to live in anything but reality will become strong. Without a lot of directed actives, they can flit from one thing to another.
Who prays and serves, and prays some more?
And feeds the beggar at the door ,
And weeps over the love lost long before?
It is the Pisces!!!
Profession In the career department, they are better working by themselves than for someone else. Their sympathy equips them for careers in charity, catering to the needy, as a nurse, looking after the sick, or as a veterinarian, caring for animals.

They have a love of water, and can be found in work that keeps them near the sea. Pisces creativity includes a natural ability to imitate or mirror another person as well as enter into their feelings. These attributes make them wonderful character actors, and many Pisceans find great fulfillment on stage or in films.


The different Languages of Love.
Service is a Language of Love.
Gifting is a Language of Love.
Sharing is a Language of Love.
Time is a Language of Love.
Sex is a Language of Love.
Attention is a Language of Love.
Patience is a Language of Love.
Support is a Language of Love.
Forgiveness is a Language of Love.
Non-Judgment is a Language of Love.
Understanding is a Language of Love.
Mercy is a Language of Love.
Compassion is a Language of Love.

My World My Life

6:30 PM

03 August 2008

Dropped an unspoken feeling ♥


We were lepaking in a mamak stall as we began to talk craps..It all started when we were reluctant to pay our “expensive” bills after eating..Lawrence (brother-in-law to be perhaps) was so “kiamsiap” that he doesn’t want to pay for me..He then say that we can all wash plates if we decided not to pay..Or maybe sell off his butt..Me, being blur as usual was blank about the thing he had just said..SELLING HIS BUTT????? Bryan then teased me for being blur and innocent for not knowing what does that mean..He then asked if I knew what was SODOMY..! Unfortunately, being the innocent girl as I am *ahem*, I did not know what sodomy was all about although I’ve been seeing that word over the past few days in the Star newspaper..I ignored that page as I wasn’t so interested about politics (simply complicated). Anyway, back to the topic..Bryan then explained what was it all about..

Bryan: Sell his butt to the guys..You know what he’s trying to say? It’s like sodomy..

Me: What’s sodomy??

Bryan: It’s like there is two guys..One guy got stick, then the stick poke to another guy’s buttock hole..That’s what we call sodomy

Me: *disgusted* So we use sodomy just for guys? How about girls and girls or girl and boy?

Bryan: Boy and girl is called raping..Girl and girl I don’t know lahh..They won’t lose out what..

Me: Then boy and boy will lose out meh??

Bryan: Of course la, they won’t have the buttock’s virginity anymore..

-All of us laughed our ass off-

Bryan: So, wash plate is better than selling your butt..1st, you just dirty your hand..If you sell your butt, not only your butt will feel pain, but you also lose your butt’s virginity..Worse still, when the guy go back, he will cry like hell…


Although it was a random or maybe last minute outing, but I enjoyed myself very much..I feel so relaxing after struggling in school for five days filled with stress..Thanks to my buddies who put a smile back to my face..

We watched dark knight and it wasn’t so bad afterall..The ending was unique that makes the whole show worth watching..

The follow-up to the action hit Batman Begins, The Dark Knight reunites director Christopher Nolan and star Christian Bale, who reprises the role of Batman/Bruce Wayne. In the new film, Batman raises the stakes in his war on crime. With the help of Lieutenant Jim Gordon and District Attorney Harvey Dent, Batman sets out to dismantle the remaining criminal organizations that plague the city streets. The partnership proves to be effective, but they soon find themselves prey to a reign of chaos unleashed by a rising criminal mastermind known to the terrified citizens of Gotham as the Joker.

Although SokYeng and Bryan kept complaining that they were sleepy..Thank god I wasn’t influenced by them very much despite of the boring talks they have in the movie..

I want to watch ………………….

An ignorant robot who doesn't know anything..I am sure it will be hilarious..! Can't wait for it to be released..According to Bryan, only BOYS think the robot is cute..Which is so untrue because I think it is cute too...He made a conclusion that I am a boy..! *argh* Being the not so innocent girl, I made a statement saying that only GIRLS take accountancy..So does that mean he's a girl too?!?! *evil laugh*


Here I come GSC! There goes my $$$$$$$

Here’s another chat we had when we were in the bus (Ratna, SokYeng and I were standing as we talked)

Ratna: Why is people so scared when it is at night?
SokYeng: Ya, why ah?? We not so scared when it is in the afternoon compared to night..
Me: Maybe because crime happens more at night than afternoon? Plus, afternoon got more people loiter around compared to night cuz most of them will stay at home at night?
SokYeng: But crime do happen in the afternoon too..Plus, if we were to talk about *unknown beings* ,they are around in the afternoon too..So why??
Ratna and I: Yeah, I wonder..

So what do you guys think?? The question somehow put quite a big question mark in my head..And I am still wondering …WHY????? Why are people more afraid to walk around at night compared to afternoon? Maybe because it is bright??? No idea @.@

PUTTING ALL THE CONVERSATIONS ASIDE, HERE I AM TO SHARE WITH YOU PEOPLE SOMETHING SWEET and CUTE I'VE FOUND ONLINE (Just in case you people didn't realize, although I know most of my friends already feel very sick of me mentioning..... I LOVE BABIES!!)

It feels so great looking at those pictures..They often made my day :D

My World My Life

12:16 AM