SILENT HEARTSo, my blog's finally back again?
After posting 334 posts in this account..Such achievement that I have, having to remain this account since the year of 2006..I've changed..The way I express and portray myself has changed too..
"Thanks bloggie, without you, I would've been cuckoo long ago..Because I hardly rant in front of people, but I do it IN YOU!"What my other half asked me on friday night triggered me a little..
"Your blog's dead?"
Yes, it was DEAD for two weeks..
Since I've updated my blog now, I have the rights to encourage him to update his too eh?
Anyhow, I find something very interesting from Lion Alan yesterday..
HE said something very encouraging..
I was moved by his words....
"If you have lotsa chicken on the table..Whether it is chicken curry, sambal chicken and etc, which chicken would you choose?
And you, how to be different from the chickens you have on the table? Simple, BE A FISH!"
"Of the many many "chickens" you have outside,
*Audience laughed*
Putting the fishify word aside (he said it doesn't exist in the oxford, I checked it though, it does exist!!), it was somehow true..
Be different ! Be special! Be unique to beat the rest.. Break the monotony!!!
It is very sad that as we grow up, we are restricted with words, lines, and specific shapes..
We are not allowed to think different..We do hear things like.................
"No, you can't do this, you're now 17!"
"Why use colour pencils to write in your history note book?" (Come on, colours do enhance your MEMORY, dude/dudette)
Well,Happens in leo too......When an awesome idea was told............
"No, you can't do that, you shouldn't risk yourself doing this.." Says the faculty advisor..
Unlike kids, they were left free to do anything they want..Being innovative and creative all they want, they are seriously much smarter than the adults, ya know?..They catch things faster than we do..They learn faster than we do..